Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Jagjit Singh fireworks or html

     I think that both fireworks and html are good but i feel like fireworks gives you more options of stuff to do and put on your website.  Also i feel like if you use fireworks you will complete your work a lot faster then if you were to use html.  In html you have to do a lot of typing but in fireworks its mostly just about clicking on icons.  I also feel like fireworks is more creative then html.  In my opinion fireworks can make your website look better.  Html is good too but i am not a fan of typing in text edit.

     Also in when you are creating a website with html you have to memorize a lot of tags and coding.  You have to put on starting brackets and ending brackets.  This gets really annoying for me.  In fireworks you don't really have to memorize much because the everything is there in front of you.  when i work with html it always takes a long time for me to finish.  When i work with fireworks i finish way quicker and i feel like the website looks better.  The process of making a website using html takes very long.  I like fireworks way better then html.